Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stormy Days

This is a picture taken awhile ago of the beach near our home. Tropical storm Beryl is barreling towards us.

We're stocked up and ready to ride it out. The last time we were affected by a TS we lost power for 24 hours, but some parts of the city and surrounding areas were without electricity for days. It's a good idea to have a lot of water and non-perishable food, not to mention some books and games to keep you from going nuts. My big fear is being without AC in this heat!

The Weather Channel is filming from our beach. The bridges in town will probably close (we have an ocean and a BIG river where I live) because of high winds expected to hit.

We're battening down the hatches and hoping for the best!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Stay safe, Carolyn! May the waters calm soon --