Showing posts with label Kindness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindness. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unexpected Kindness

Yesterday was a rough day. A series of snafus landed at my feet all at once, and I was aggravated, angry and tired.

Then the mail came. A box! An box, one of my favorites! My guilty pleasure when I got my first real nursing job back in 1983 was to browse the bookstore catalogs as soon as my paycheck landed in the bank. I can survive on the same pair of shoes until the heels are hole-ridden, but my bookshelf goods never cease to multiply.

Yesterday's arrival was a surprise. I hadn't ordered anything in over a month. I ripped open the tape and tried to find out who the mystery sender was. It took me a few minutes, and all the while I was thinking, "whoever sent this KNOWS how to make me feel better." It was definitely from someone who understands my weaknesses and the way into my heart.

Finally, I found the gift note. It read, "I hope this book gives you both uplifting, as it has for me. Love, Aunt Barb." The title of the book: The Book of Awakening. Yep, my birthday buddy knows me well (Barb and I are both January 23rd babies, true Aquarians through and through.)

The entry in the book for August 10 reads, "...our lives are full of unexpected surges of kindness that seem to come from nowhere. Just when you're thirsty, a cup is gathered and passed around. Just when you are lonely to the point of snapping that bone way inside that you show no one, someone offers you a ride or steadies the grocery bag about to drop from your grip. Just when you feel nothing can raise your sad head from the lonely road, the deer stutter across the road in exact rhythm with Handel."

It landed in my mailbox at the right moment to help me through a rough patch. Thank you, Aunt Barb!