Saturday, September 1, 2012

Extreme Parenting: Messages in a Video

A friend I met when I started this blog just over a year ago recently sent out an invitation. She's a prolific writer over at a moon, worn as if it had been a shell.

She said:

"For the last two years I've said here and elsewhere that I'm going to make a video of still photos of YOU, parents of children with special healthcare needs and your wise words to yourself, THE DAY BEFORE YOU KNEW YOUR CHILD'S DIAGNOSIS. These words can be simple, complex, dark, light, positive, negative, funny, serious or everything all at once. I'm going to set the photos to music and hope it'll be helpful to new parents as well as inspiring. I imagine it'll be a healing testament for all of us."

These are our messages in a bottle. Very well done, Elizabeth! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join in!


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for posting, Carolyn! You know it's weird because re-reading that first message I see that I asked for "the day before" the diagnosis -- and of late, I've been saying that I asked for "the day of" the diagnosis. I guess it really doesn't matter in the end as all of us had words to share, and many of the messages were startlingly similar. I'm so grateful for our community and thank you for participating!

Heather said...

Absolutely amazing. Really was. And that we were next to each other ... definitely NOT a coincidence.

Hope all is well with you and yours and the good vibes continue to ripple through your life everyday.